Sunday 6 March 2016

Have you found your moment

Enjoy this Beautiful Pieceߒ݊Libasut Taqwa❤
Continues With The Inner Most Beautiful Aspects of Your Deenߑ̰ߏ늓ubhaana'ALLAH

 Have you found your

Never for one moment did that man who swept aside the thorns from the people’s path ever imagine that that moment would mark the happiest day of his life. But Nabie Kareem صلي الله عليه و سلم said it was, as all of his sins were forgiven ..

Never for one moment did that prostitute who provided a sip of water for the thirsty dog ever imagine that that moment would mark the happiest day of her life. But Nabie e Kareem صلي الله عليه و سلم said it was, as every sin of hers was consequently erased.

Never did that companion who was promised Paradise ever imagine that it was simply due to his ill-free heart that this promise was given to him. But Nabie e Kareem صلي الله عليه و سلم said that it was.

Never for one moment did Talha (ra) imagine that it would be that moment where he’d lowered himself for the Prophet صلي الله عليه و سلم to step on his back in his aid which would mark the happiest day of his life. But it was, because Nabie e Kareem صلي الله عليه و سلم immediately said, ‘Paradise is now for Talha’

What am I getting at?

Many, many times in the life of a Muslim, a place in Paradise is finally reserved for him due to the smallest of all actions. This is when Allah sees within a person true sincerity and a genuine craving for the Hereafter, thus He allows an opportunity to present itself to him, one which he pounces at with remarkable wholeheartedness and sincerity. Little had he noticed however that that brief moment had in fact marked the turning point in his life when his sins were erased and Paradise was written for him!

Dearest Muslim, I ask:

Have you found your moment?

Or .. are you still searching for it?

That ‘moment’ could be a tear which you shed in the remembrance of Allah when you’re alone. It could be a desire which you craved but denied for Allah’s sake. It could be through joy which you bring to another Muslim, or a statement of truth which you bravely utter, or the suppressing of anger, or the covering of another person’s fault, or the feeding of a hungry person.

It’s not always about the obvious good deeds!

No one knows where his ‘moment’ lies, that moment which will bring about eternal happiness .. So don’t leave a stone unturned in its pursuit and do not belittle *any* good deed.

In short, from this day onwards, let there be a good deed which you engage in everyday with the intention that ‘perhaps this will be the deed which will save me.’

‘Perhaps this will be the turning point in Allah’s eyes’

‘Perhaps this will be the ‘moment’’ߎǠAlhamdulillah ߒـ?fff?5J呑

Apa Khatija... Libasut Taqwa

 Libasut Taqwa
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