Tuesday 2 May 2017

🌱Tarbiyya means discipline and training🌱

🌿Allah's tarbiyya for you🌿
When you are hurt by those closest and most trusted so that you may learn to rely solely on him and no one else.
🌿Allah's tarbiyya for you🌿
He makes you helpless so you may learn the ibaadah called sabr ( patience ) for which the reward is immense.
🌿Allah's tarbiyya for you🌿
When he denies you something you crave just so you learn that it's not the right time yet, and he will give it to you when the time is right.
🌿Allah's tarbiyya for you🌿
When he denies you wealth or fame because he knows it will eat away at the goodness in you. It will cause distress to your deen or your dunya.
🌿Allah's tarbiyya for you🌿
When he gives you so much that you realise that your happiness does not lie in material belongings but by belonging in Jannah.
🌿Allah's tarbiyya for you🌿
When he sends you trials and tribulations and tells you that hope is around the corner. Have faith in Me!
🌿Allah's tarbiyya for you🌿
When he punishes you swiftly so that you are always doing tawbah and no dust collects on your heart.
🌿Allah's tarbiyya for you🌿
He delays your punishment giving you many opportunities to be thankful and return to his tawbah with more fervour.
🌿Allah's tarbiyya for you🌿
When a problem approaches you he shows you another in much deeper despair than yourself so you may say alhamdullillah.

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